Publications - Dentistry


Measurement of Pressures Generated in Root Canal During Er:YAG Laser-Activated Irrigation

Jezeršek, M., Lukač, N., Lukač, M., Tenyi, A., Olivi, G. & Fidler, A.
 Photobiomodulation, photomedicine, and laser surgery,2020; 38(10), pp.625–631.

Novel laser activated photoacoustic streaming for removing pulp remnants from round root canals after single file reciprocating instrumentation

Bago I, Batelja-Vuletić L, Tarle A, Sesar A, Anić I. 
Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2021:102631.

A Comparative Evaluation of Smear Layer Removal Using Erbium:YAG Laser-Activated Irrigation, Sonic Irrigation, and Manual Dynamic Irrigation: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study

Thapak, G., Arya, A., Grewal, M.S. & Arora, A.
Journal of lasers in medical sciences, 12, pp.e22–e22.

In vitro comparison of new generation adhesive systems in enamel conditioning with ER: YAG laser: SBS and ARI analysis

Ok U, Tosun T, Sadry S, Kayalar E, Karaman A. 
Lasers Dent Sci. 2021;5:19-26.

The Effect of Er:YAG Lasers on the Reduction of Aerosol Formation for Dental Workers

Grzech-Leśniak K, Matys J.
Mater (Basel, Switzerland). 2021;14(11).

Effect of Er:YAG Laser and Desensitizer Containing Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate and Glutaraldehyde on Dentin Hypersensitivity: A Randomized Split-Mouth Clinical Trial

Neža Vatovec, Tomaz Ivanušič

J LA&HA - J Laser Health Acad 2021; 2021(1):onlineFirst

The efficiency of laser application for debonding laminate restorations manufactured of current CAD-CAM materials with different thicknesses

Culhaoglu, A.K., Kilicarslan, M.A., Gokdeniz, B. & Gur, G.
Nigerian journal of clinical practice, 2021.

Analysis of aerosol generation during Er:YAG laser-assisted caries treatment.

Matys, J., Gedrange, T., Dominiak, M. & Grzech-Leśniak, K.
Advances in clinical and experimental medicine, 2021

Short lingual frenum in infants, children and adolescents. Part 2: Lingual frenum release. Functional surgical approach

G. Olivi, M.D. Genovese, M. Olivi, W.C. Yue, P. Hand, L. Marigo, M. Cordaro
Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2021;22(1):47-54; doi: 10.23804/ejpd.2021.22.01.09.

Retreatment of 6 Ceramic Restorations In A Single Session - The Application of Er:YAG Laser And CAD/CAM Technology: An 1 Year Follow Up Clinical Evaluation

Christian Giancarlo Bernal, Ester Mi Ryoung Lee, Carlos De Paula Eduardo, Ana Maria Aparecida Souza, Luciane Hiramatsu Azevedo
Braz Dent Sci 2021;24(2); doi: 10.14295/bds.2021.v24i2.2234

Efficacy of Er:YAG laser-assisted direct pulp capping in permanent teeth with cariously exposed pulp: A pilot study

Wang, M., Ma, L., Li, Q. & Yang, W.
Australian Endodontic Journal, 2020; 46(3), pp.351–357.

Effect of Optimized Irrigation With Photon-Induced Photoacoustic Streaming on Smear Layer Removal, Dentin Microhardness, Attachment Morphology, and Survival of the Stem Cells of Apical Papilla

Wu L, Jiang S, Ge H, Cai Z, Huang X, Zhang C.
Lasers Surg Med. 2021;53(8):1105-1112.