Publications - Dentistry


Qualitative evaluation of hybrid layer formation using Er:YAG laser in QSP mode for tooth cavity preparations

Kallis A, Tolidis K, Gerasimou P, Dionysopoulos D.
Lasers Med Sci. 2019;34(1):23-34.

Investigation of the antibacterial effect of laser irradiation and chemical agent on human oral biofilms contaminated titanium discs.

Birang E, Birang R, Narimani T, Tolouei A, Fekrazad R.
Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2019;25:259-264.

Evaluation of the shear bond strength of resin cement to enamel after bleaching with Er: YAG and diode laser

Ceyda, A., Müjde, S., Yusuf, O.O. & Neslihan, C.
Advanced Composites Letters, 2020;29, pp.1–7.

Removal of Composite Restoration from the Root Surface in the Cervical Region Using Er: YAG Laser and Drill-In Vitro Study

Zakrzewski, W., Dobrzynski, M., Kuropka, P., Matys, J., Malecka, M., Kiryk, J., Rybak, Z., et al.
Materials (Basel, Switzerland), 2020;13(13).

Amplification of pressure waves in laser-assisted endodontics with synchronized delivery of Er:YAG laser pulses

Lukač, N. & Jezeršek, M.
Lasers in medical science,2018; 33(4), pp.823–833.

Evaluation of the effect of dentin surface treatment by air abrasion and Er:YAG laser on the retention of metal crowns luted with glass ionomer cement in teeth with reduced crown height: An in vitro study

Chauhan, S., Mahajan, N., Sethuraman, R. & Naveen, Y.G.
Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society, 19(2), pp.141–148.

1064 nm Nd:YAG laser light affects transmembrane mitochondria respiratory chain complexes

Ravera, S., Ferrando, S., Agas, D., De Angelis, N., Raffetto, M., Sabbieti, M.G., Signore, A., et al.
Journal of biophotonics,2019; 12(9), p.e201900101.

Characteristics of the Irrigant Flow in a Simulated Lateral Canal Under Two Typical Laser-Activated Irrigation Regimens

Su Z, Li Z, Shen Y, et al.
Lasers Surg Med. September 2020.

Determination of Optimal Separation Times for Dual-Pulse SWEEPS Laser-Assisted Irrigation in Different Endodontic Access Cavities

Lukač M, Olivi G, Constantin M, Lukač N, Jezeršek M.
Lasers Surg Med. December 2020.

Laser Enucleation of a radicular cyst with the PIPS protocol

Göfteci B.
1/2019. Vol.11

Evaluation of Apical Extrusion During Novel Er:YAG Laser-Activated Irrigation Modality

Jezeršek M, Jereb T, Lukač N, Tenyi A, Lukač M, Fidler A.
Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2019;37(9):544–550

Effect of Photon-Initiated Photoacoustic Streaming, Passive Ultrasonic, and Sonic Irrigation Techniques on Dentinal Tubule Penetration of Irrigation Solution: A Confocal Microscopic Study

Akcay M, Arslan H, Mese M, Durmus N, Capar ID.
Clin Oral Investig. 2017;21(7):2205–2212.